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LOVED - Gary Gersin, Sacred Heart Radio Network


The new album Loved by Trish Foti is an album packed with L-O-V-E. The album includes the songs, “I Need a Heart”, “What Wonderous Love”, “Love Never Fails” and other songs with the theme of love. These wonderful songs make up a 13 track CD you will listen to from beginning to end.

As the listener you are going to enjoy Loved, as Trish makes you feel like this album was produced just for you. The music arrangements along with Trish’s vocals make you feel like you are sitting in the studio one on one with her.


Two songs that jump out to me personally are “Rejoice” and “My Heart”. These two songs are refreshing and something we all should listen to as a way to help us through the hustle and bustle world we live in and to bring our focus back to the One who is most important in our lives.


The song “Rejoice” could be a celebration of someone in your own life who maybe strayed away from Christ and one day made their journey back to discover the mercy waiting for them.


Neil Young’s recent version of “My Heart” was touching but Trish takes the song and makes it her own, in what I think could be the signature song on this album.


The best way I can describe how I feel about this album is by my actions. After I listened to Loved for the first time, I found myself unconsciously hitting the replay button to enjoy it all over again.


Trish Foti is a resident of New Orleans, LA. To discover more about the music of Trish Foti you can visit or visit Trish’s website at

Gary Gersin
Sacred Heart Radio Network



INSPIRED CLASSICS: reviewed by Sally Bolderson


Inspired Classics is Trish Foti's fifth CD offering. As I prepared to listen to the classics, all familiar titles, I did not know what was in store. Although, Ive heard of Trisha through the Catholic music networks, I hadn't actually heard any of her music. I was very impressed with every track of this beautiful work. Trish's powerful, classically trained voice and depth of emotion brought each song to life. And not to be understated are the professional musicians (Dreux Montegut piano, Anne Chabreck  flute and Vance Woolf  trumpet) she surrounds her beautiful vocals with, that add their own special dimension to these songs, thereby  enhancing them even further.


This is a mixed collection of traditional Latin classics such as Laudate Dominum by Mozart and Panis Angelicus by Franck along with new contemporary favorites like How Beautiful by Twila Paris, Wherever You Go by David Haas and a particular favorite of mine, How Great Thou Art by Hine.


Trish spent her life growing up in New Orleans, Louisiana with a supportive, faith filled family and extended family who nurtured her growth in her gifts. She has made her name known throughout the south as well as across the country. She was featured on EWTN in October, 2008 and shared her musical gifts at the UCMVA (United Catholic Music and Video Association) Unity Awards ceremony.


This wasn't the plan I had for my life, she said. It was important for me to teach music at a Catholic school and be a mom. The part where things(a music career and raising a family) work so well together is his (Gods)design. This is his plan.


When asked why she chose the Catholic music genre to share her undeniable talent, she states, To me there was no other way. Everything I have learned prepared me for this. Catholic music is just who I am. Its my callingits what Ive done all my life.


This is a great CD with so much to offer. I am anxious to hear her previous recordings, Inspired, In the Stillness, After the Rain and In His Presence (the Gift of Christmas) to see what other graces can be found there.

You can purchase Inspired Classics as well as all of Trishs CDs at

Posted by GrapeVine at 4:38 AM
Labels: Trish Foti Inspired Classics
Sally Boderson - Grapevine Magazine (Sep 11, 2009)




​Trish Foti has teamed up with her faithful and talented accompanist, Dreux Montegut, producer Joe Hand and co-producer Chris Finney to create this absolutely beautiful collection of Christmas songs entitled In His Presence . . . The Gift of Christmas. Foti's formal voice is so well suited to these songs. You will immediately be swept away to cold nights and snowflakes falling on a peaceful scene. In His Presence begins with a stunning version of What Child is This? A lovely classical guitar plucks out the melody and flute and cello join in to accompany Foti. The arrangement is refreshingly different in its simplicity. Each instrument is used with restraint and beautifully complement Foti's vocal. She also wrote her own third verse to the song which adds a rich dimension. Other familiar songs follow suit: Breath of Heaven, Jesu, Joy of Mans Desiring, Gounods Ave Maria and O Little Town of Bethlehem. Dreux Monteguts piano accompaniment is very tasteful, as always. He makes the piano sing. Foti made a point of using musicians from her native New Orleans as a show of support to the area so devastated by Hurricane Katrina. The trumpets, flute and cello complement the piano accompaniment nicely. The album winds up with a rousing Dixieland jazz rendition of Christmas in New Orleans, a fitting way to say Merry Christmas to New Orleans. You can purchase In His Presence . . . The Gift of Christmas through Foti's website at 


Grapevine Magazine (Nov 15, 2007)



​The lovely voice of Catholic music artist Trish Foti breathes with freshness, intimacy, and spirit in her newly released work, After the Rain. The blend of musical instruments is simplistic, giving one time to breathe in, taste, and see - yes even visualize the picture she is painting in spirit.


In the second track, Trish holds on to the traditional melody of Amazing Grace while giving it a sparkle of contemporary pop. The piano work in this song, just as many on the new disc, begins solemnly, then slowly builds to a moving channel of emotions, flowing ever so kindly, answering the voice. Dreux Monteguts musical work must be applauded.


The title track, After the Rain, expresses concern, desire, and a longing to walk with God and is well complimented by the next track, How Can I Keep from Singing. This is the intimacy Trish shares with her listeners, and while it is easy to become lost in the sweetness of her voice, falling ever so deeply into a realm of peace, pay close attention to the lyrics. She is talking to you, drawing a sketch, painting a picture of the One, who is Our Father, for you to see, praise, and glorify.


Listening to David Haas You Are Mine, a widely known modern church melody, allows everyone to fully appreciate Foti's voice. Her fullness and power brings spirit and exults the Word of God. Then leading into the next two tracks, The Lords Prayer and Ill Walk With God, both endings show her abundant potential on harnessing vocals,

creating waves of inspiration.


I must suggest if your parish, organization, or group is looking for an exceptionally talented Catholic artist to lead and inspire your congregation in Holy Mass, or simply perform at your next venue, consider Trish Foti, and be moved.


Visit to purchase your copy of After the Rain.

Review by Michael Myers
Michael Myers - Grapevine Magazine (Mar 6, 2007)



​In The Stillness . . . Lullabies and Songs of Love is Trish Foti sophomore effort and it is a lovely one it is. Described as a quiet reflection for every child of God. A collection of beautifully orchestrated meditations that will help us all find God's peace in our busy lives, this CD definitely fulfills its goal.


Foti has a clear and soothing soprano voice and is expertly accompanied by longtime collaborator Dreux Montegut on the piano. A tasteful sprinkling of different orchestral touches completes the picture.


By far the best thing about this CD is the song choices. I was particularly moved at hearing Too Ra Loo Ral which flooded my mind with memories of Bing Crosbys Fr. OMalley and the priesthood when it was held in such high esteem in our society.


I also loved Foti's choice of John Michael Talbots Come to the Quiet, a personal favorite of mine and a song of Talbots that is not normally covered.


The title cut, In the Stillness, accomplishes its goal of helping the listener find that still, quiet spot in their souls.

With eighteen soothing and beautiful songs to choose from, you will not be found wanting. In The Stillness will enrich your spiritual life and bring you peace.


In The Stillness can be purchased at or through The Catholic Music Network at

Susan Bailey
Susan Bailey - Grapevine Magazine



Trish Foti and her friend Dreux Montegut have worked and performed together in various churches, cathedrals and universities for over 25 years. This classically trained duo figured it was time to place some of the music that people had been asking for into a CD. They did, and the CD is called Inspired. It is a collection of inspirational classics and new songs to musically inspire and uplift the listener. The classics of Schubert ( Ave Maria), Mozart (Ave Verum), and Franck (Panis Angelicus) are executed in such a way that the average listener is captivated by its reassurance, not intimidated. There are also Christian classic hymns performed here like "El Shaddi," "How Great Thou Art," "and "Not For The Tongues Of Angels." Yet, it is the newer songs here that display musical versatility and enable the listener to be transported and experience the essence of each tune. These songs include "Hold Me," "If You Only Knew," and "You Remind Me Why." The solid performance of Trish Foti on Inspired enables the listener to become moved by the recording's emotion and sensitivity. If you are a fan of Kitty Cleveland you should like this CD.

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